In this talk, we will explore the special intonation pattern of two wh-constructions (wh-questions, so-called _mo_-construction) in Japanese, and its close correlation with the interpretation of the constructions. In Japanese wh-constructions, wh-phrases receive prosodic prominence; and the intonation contour of the phrases following the wh-phrase is strongly reduced (deaccenting) up to the particle _ka_ or _mo_, which semantically binds the wh-phrase. Japanese exploits Deaccenting to mark the wh-scope, by indicating the connection between the wh-phrase and its binder. A closer investigation of this prosodic property of wh-constructions reveals that certain apparently syntactic effects are actually prosodic in origin. For example, phenomena that Takahashi (1993) took as evidence that apparent wh-scrambling might actually be overt wh-movement in Japanese now turn out to be prosodic in nature and not evidence for overt wh-movement at all. If time permits, I will also present an analysis of how this correlation between intonation and interpretation is derived. A version of multiple Spell-Out model along the lines of Chomsky 2000, 2001 provides us with a natural account of this correlation.