An Agda proof of Friedman's theorem about tree embedding with a gap condition, restricted to monadic trees (words).
(It should be fairly easy to remove the restriction.)

This was the problem posed as the "TPPmark" for the 18th TPP meeting.

The general philosophy in the formalization is to reason about sequences that are "very good" 
with respect to a given binary relation, rather than the property of a relation being a WQO.
This allows us to state stronger lemmas, as well as (hopefully) to simplify Friedman's inductive proof,
at the cost of complicating the minimal bad sequence argument.

module TPP2022 where

import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as Eq
open Eq using (_≡_; refl; _≢_; sym; trans; subst)
open Eq.≡-Reasoning
open import Data.Nat using (; zero; suc; _+_; _≤_; s≤s; z≤n; _<_)
open import Data.Nat.Properties
  -- don't use the library version of ≤-<-connex
  using (≤-refl; ≤-trans; <-irrefl; <⇒≤; ≤-step; <-transˡ; <-transʳ; ≤∧≢⇒<; +-monoˡ-<; m≤n+m)
open import Data.Product using (Σ; _×_; _,_; proj₁; proj₂ ; ; Σ-syntax; ∃-syntax; ∃₂)
open import Data.Sum using (_⊎_; inj₁; inj₂) renaming ([_,_]′ to case-⊎)
open import Relation.Nullary using (¬_)
open import Data.Unit using (; tt)
open import Data.Empty using (; ⊥-elim)
open import Relation.Unary using (_∈_)
open import Function using (_∘_; id)
-- open import Data.List using (List; []; _∷_; _++_; length)
import Data.Fin as F
open F using (Fin; toℕ)
open import Data.Fin.Properties using (pigeonhole; toℕ-mono-<)
open import Data.Maybe using (Maybe; just; nothing)
open import Relation.Binary.Core using (_⇒_)

open import Miscellaneous

open import Classical

open import WQO

open import MinimalBadSeq

-- open import Higman

Equality is a WQO on Fin n.
module Fin-≡ where
  almostFull : {n : }  AlmostFull {Fin n} _≡_
  almostFull {n} f = toℕ i , toℕ j , toℕ-mono-< i<j , gi≡gj -- toℕ-mono-< i<j is not in stdlib 1.7.1
    g : Fin (suc n)  Fin n
    g = f  toℕ
    h : ∃₂  i j  i F.< j × g i  g j) -- i ≢ j instead of i < j in stdlib 1.7.1
    h = pigeonhole ≤-refl g 
    i = proj₁ h
    j = proj₁ (proj₂ h)
    i<j = proj₁ (proj₂ (proj₂ h))
    gi≡gj = proj₂ (proj₂ (proj₂ h))

  isWQO : (n : )  IsWQO {A = Fin n} _≡_
  isWQO n =
    { isQO = record { reflexive = refl ; transitive = trans }
    ; almostFull = almostFull

Define inequality on Maybe (Fin n) so that nothing is the bottom element.
Equality on Maybe (Fin n) is almost full.
module _ {n : } where

  _≤′_ : Maybe (Fin n)  Maybe (Fin n)  Set
  just i ≤′ just j  = i F.≤ j
  just _ ≤′ nothing = 
  nothing ≤′ just _ = 
  nothing ≤′ nothing = 

  ≤′-refl : Reflexive _≤′_
  ≤′-refl {just x} = ≤-refl
  ≤′-refl {nothing} = tt

  ≤′-reflexive : _≡_  _≤′_
  ≤′-reflexive refl = ≤′-refl

  ≤′-trans : Transitive _≤′_
  ≤′-trans {just x}  {just y}  {just z}  xy yz = ≤-trans xy yz
  ≤′-trans {nothing} {just y}  {just z}  xy yz = tt
  ≤′-trans {nothing} {nothing} {just z}  xy yz = tt
  ≤′-trans {nothing} {nothing} {nothing} xy yz = tt

module MaybeFin-≡ {n : } where
  open M {Fin n} _≡_

  ≡-≼′ : (x y : Maybe (Fin n))  (x  y)  (x ≼′ y)
  ≡-≼′ (just x) (just y) =  {refl  refl}) ,  {refl  refl})
  ≡-≼′ (just x) nothing =  {()}) , λ {()}
  ≡-≼′ nothing (just y) =  {()}) , λ {()}
  ≡-≼′ nothing nothing =  {refl  tt}) , λ _  refl

  almostFull : AlmostFull {Maybe (Fin n)} _≡_
  almostFull f with maybe-almostFull Fin-≡.almostFull f
  ... | i , j , i<j , h = i , j , i<j , proj₂ (≡-≼′ (f i) (f j)) h

Monadic trees (words) with leaf labels in A and internal node labels in Fin n.
A word with no internal node has size 1.
data Word (A : Set) (n : ) : Set where
  end : (a : A)  Word A n
  cons : (i : Fin n)  (x : Word A n)  Word A n

module _ {A : Set} {n : } where

  size : Word A n  
  size (end a) = 1
  size (cons i x) = suc (size x)

  size≥1 : (x : Word A n)  1  size x
  size≥1 (end x) = ≤-refl
  size≥1 (cons x x₁) = s≤s z≤n

  leaf : Word A n  A
  leaf (end a) = a
  leaf (cons i x) = leaf x

  size≡1 : (x : Word A n)  size x  1  x  end (leaf x)
  size≡1 (end a) h = refl
  size≡1 (cons i x) h = ⊥-elim (<-irrefl (sym h) (s≤s (size≥1 x)))

  size>1 : (x : Word A n)  1 < size x  ∃₂ λ i x₁  x  cons i x₁
  size>1 (end a) h = ⊥-elim (<-irrefl refl h)
  size>1 (cons i x) h = i , x , refl

The "is a suffix" relation on words.
  data _⊑_ : Word A n  Word A n  Set where
    ⊑-refl : (x : Word A n)  x  x
    ⊑-step : {x y : Word A n} (i : Fin n)  x  y  x  cons i y

  ⊑-transitive : Transitive _⊑_
  ⊑-transitive {x} {y} {.y} x⊑y (⊑-refl .y) = x⊑y
  ⊑-transitive {x} {y} {.(cons i _)} x⊑y (⊑-step i y⊑z) = ⊑-step i (⊑-transitive x⊑y y⊑z)

  ⊑-size-≤ : {x y : Word A n}  x  y  size x  size y
  ⊑-size-≤ (⊑-refl _) = ≤-refl
  ⊑-size-≤ (⊑-step i x) = ≤-step (⊑-size-≤ x)

  ⊑-size-≡ : {x y : Word A n}  x  y  size x  size y  x  y
  ⊑-size-≡ (⊑-refl _) _ = refl
  ⊑-size-≡ {x} {y} (⊑-step i xy) h with ⊑-size-≤ xy
  ... | w rewrite h = ⊥-elim (<-irrefl refl w)

  ⊑-leaf : {x y : Word A n}  x  y  leaf x  leaf y
  ⊑-leaf (⊑-refl _) = refl
  ⊑-leaf (⊑-step i x⊑y) = ⊑-leaf x⊑y

  _⊏_ : Word A n  Word A n  Set
  x  y = x  y × x  y

  tail-⊏ : (i : Fin n) (x : Word A n)  x  cons i x
  tail-⊏ i x = (⊑-step i (⊑-refl x)) ,  {()})

  ⊏-size-< : {x y : Word A n}  x  y  size x < size y
  ⊏-size-< x⊏y = ≤∧≢⇒< (⊑-size-≤ (proj₁ x⊏y))
                       h  ⊥-elim (proj₂ x⊏y (⊑-size-≡ (proj₁ x⊏y) h)))

  ⊏-⊑-⊏ : {x y z : Word A n}  x  y  y  z  x  z
  ⊏-⊑-⊏ {x} {y} {z} x⊏y@(x⊑y , x≢y) y⊑z = ⊑-transitive x⊑y y⊑z ,  {refl  <-irrefl refl h})
    h : size x < size z
    h = <-transˡ (⊏-size-< x⊏y) (⊑-size-≤ y⊑z)

  ⊑-⊏-⊏ : {x y z : Word A n}  x  y  y  z  x  z
  ⊑-⊏-⊏ {x} {y} {z} x⊑y y⊏z@(y⊑z , y≢z) = ⊑-transitive x⊑y y⊑z ,  {refl  <-irrefl refl h})
    h : size x < size z
    h = <-transʳ (⊑-size-≤ x⊑y) (⊏-size-< y⊏z)

If x is a word, min x is the minimal internal leaf label in x (if there is one).
  head : Word A n  Maybe (Fin n)
  head (end a) = nothing
  head (cons i x) = just i

  -- tail : Word A n → Maybe (Word A n)
  -- tail (end a) = nothing
  -- tail (cons i x) = just x

  -- head-tail-nothing : (x : Word A n) → (head x ≡ nothing ⇔ tail x ≡ nothing)
  -- head-tail-nothing (end a) = (λ {refl → refl}) , (λ {refl → refl})
  -- head-tail-nothing (cons i x) = (λ ()) , (λ ())

  min : Word A n  Maybe (Fin n)
  min (end a) = nothing
  min (cons i x) with min x
  ... | just m = case-⊎  _  just i)  _  just m) (≤-<-connex (toℕ i) (toℕ m))
  ... | nothing = just i
This definition of min is rather hard to reason with. We state many obvious properties of the function.
  min-cons-≤ : (x : Word A n) (m i : Fin n)  min x  just m  toℕ i  toℕ m  min (cons i x)  just i
  min-cons-≤ x m i h i≤m rewrite h | ≤-<-connex-≤ (toℕ i) (toℕ m) i≤m = refl

  min-cons-> : (x : Word A n) (m i : Fin n)  min x  just m  toℕ m < toℕ i  min (cons i x)  just m
  min-cons-> x m i h i>m rewrite h | ≤-<-connex-> (toℕ i) (toℕ m) i>m = refl

  min-cons-nothing : (x : Word A n) (i : Fin n)  min x  nothing  min (cons i x)  just i
  min-cons-nothing x i h with min x
  ... | nothing = refl

  min-cons  : (i : Fin n) (x : Word A n)  Σ[ m  Fin n ] min (cons i x)  just m
  min-cons i x with min x
  min-cons i x | just m₁ with ≤-<-connex (toℕ i) (toℕ m₁)
  ... | inj₁ i≤m₁ = i , refl
  ... | inj₂ i>m₁ = m₁ , refl
  min-cons i x | nothing = i , refl

  min-nothing : (x : Word A n)  min x  nothing  ∃[ a ] x  end a
  min-nothing (end a) refl = a , refl
  min-nothing (cons i x) h with min-cons i x
  ... | m , eq = ⊥-elim (just≢nothing (trans (sym eq) h))

  min-just : (x : Word A n) (m : Fin n)  min x  just m  Σ[ i  Fin n ] Σ[ x₁  Word A n ] x  cons i x₁
  min-just (cons i x) m h = i , x , refl

  -- min-uncons-> : (i m : Fin n) (x : Word A n) → min (cons i x) ≡ just m → m F.< i → min x ≡ just m
  -- min-uncons-> i m x h m<i with min x
  -- min-uncons-> i m x h m<i      | just m₁ with ≤-<-connex (toℕ i) (toℕ m₁)
  -- min-uncons-> i .i x refl m<i | just m₁ | inj₁ i≤m₁ = ⊥-elim (<-irrefl refl m<i)
  -- min-uncons-> i m x h m<i      | just m₁ | inj₂ i>m₁ = h
  -- min-uncons-> i .i x refl i<i  | nothing = ⊥-elim (<-irrefl refl i<i)

  min-≤-min-tail : (i m : Fin n) (x : Word A n)  min x  just m  min (cons i x) ≤′ just m
  min-≤-min-tail i m x h with min x
  min-≤-min-tail i m x h      | just m₁ with ≤-<-connex (toℕ i) (toℕ m₁)
  min-≤-min-tail i m x refl   | just m₁ | inj₁ i≤m₁ = i≤m₁
  min-≤-min-tail i .m₁ x refl | just m₁ | inj₂ i>m₁ = ≤-refl

  min-≤-head : {i : Fin n} {x : Word A n}  min (cons i x) ≤′ just i
  min-≤-head {i} {x} with min x 
  min-≤-head {i} {x} | just m  with ≤-<-connex (toℕ i) (toℕ m)
  ... | inj₁ i≤m = ≤-refl
  ... | inj₂ i>m = <⇒≤ i>m
  min-≤-head {i} {x} | nothing = ≤-refl

We could define min as an inductive predicate. This definition might fascilitate reasoning, 
but I don't find it very intuititve.
  -- data minimal : Word A n → Maybe (Fin n) → Set where
  --   end : {a : A} → minimal (end a) nothing
  --   cons-end : {a : A} {i : Fin n}
  --     -----------------------------------
  --     → minimal (cons i (end a)) (just i)
  --   cons≤ : {x : Word A n} {m i : Fin n}
  --     → minimal x (just m)
  --     → i F.≤ m
  --     -----------------------------
  --     → minimal (cons i x) (just i)
  --   cons> : {x : Word A n} {m i : Fin n}
  --     → minimal x (just m)
  --     → m F.< i
  --     -----------------------------
  --     → minimal (cons i x) (just m)

  -- minimal-min : (x : Word A n) (m : Maybe (Fin n)) → minimal x m ⇔ min x ≡ m
  -- minimal-min x m = h⇒ x m , h⇐ x m
  --   where
  --   h⇒ : (x : Word A n) (m : Maybe (Fin n)) → minimal x m → min x ≡ m
  --   h⇒ (end a) .nothing end = refl
  --   h⇒ (cons i .(end _)) .(just i) cons-end = refl
  --   h⇒ (cons i x) .(just i) (cons≤ {m = m₁} h i≤m₁) = min-cons-≤ x m₁ i (h⇒ x (just m₁) h) i≤m₁
  --   h⇒ (cons i x) .(just _) (cons> {m = m₁} h i>m₁) = min-cons-> x m₁ i (h⇒ x (just m₁) h) i>m₁
  --   h⇐ : (x : Word A n) (m : Maybe (Fin n)) → min x ≡ m → minimal x m
  --   h⇐ (end a) .(min (end a)) refl = end
  --   h⇐ (cons i x) m h with min x in eq
  --   h⇐ (cons i x) m h | just m₁ with ≤-<-connex (toℕ i) (toℕ m₁)
  --   ... | inj₁ i≤m₁ rewrite sym h = cons≤ (h⇐ x (just m₁) eq) i≤m₁
  --   ... | inj₂ i>m₁ rewrite sym h = cons> (h⇐ x (just m₁) eq) i>m₁
  --   h⇐ (cons i x) m h     | nothing with min-nothing x eq 
  --   ... | a , x≡end-a rewrite x≡end-a | sym h = cons-end

Friedman's tree embedding relation with a "gap" condition (restricted to words).
There are two variants of the condition. 
The variant without the "+" requires that all nodes between two matched nodes 
in the right tree (word) have labels that are not smaller than the label of the 
lower of the matched nodes.
In addition, the variant with the "+" requires that all nodes above the highest
matched node have labels that are not smaller than the label of that node.
The two embedding relations are defined inductively.
module _ {A : Set} {n : } (_≼_ : A  A  Set) where
  -- infixr 5 _∷_ _∷ʳ_

  data Embedding-gap⁺ : Word A n  Word A n  Set

  data Embedding-gap⁺ where
    end :  {a b} (h : a  b)  Embedding-gap⁺ (end a) (end b)
    _∷ʳ_ : {x y : Word A n} {j : Fin n}
       (h : head x ≤′ (just j))
       Embedding-gap⁺ x y
       Embedding-gap⁺ x (cons j y)
    _∷_ : {x y : Word A n} (i : Fin n)
       (h : Embedding-gap⁺ x y)
       Embedding-gap⁺ (cons i x) (cons i y)

It takes some effort to prove the "+" version is transitive.
  emb-gap⁺-head : {x y : Word A n}
     (h : Embedding-gap⁺ x y)
     head x ≤′ head y
  emb-gap⁺-head {.(end _)} {.(end _)} (end h) = tt
  emb-gap⁺-head {x} {.(cons _ _)} (h ∷ʳ h₁) = h
  emb-gap⁺-head {.(cons i _)} {.(cons i _)} (i  h) = ≤-refl

  emb-gap⁺-transitive : (h : Transitive _≼_) {x y z : Word A n} 
     (h₁ : Embedding-gap⁺ x y)
     (h₂ : Embedding-gap⁺ y z)
     Embedding-gap⁺ x z
  emb-gap⁺-transitive h {.(end _)} {.(end _)} {.(end _)} (end h₁) (end h₂) = 
    end (h h₁ h₂)
  emb-gap⁺-transitive h {x} {y} {.(cons _ _)} h₁ (h₂ ∷ʳ h₃) = 
    ≤′-trans (emb-gap⁺-head h₁) h₂ ∷ʳ emb-gap⁺-transitive h h₁ h₃
  emb-gap⁺-transitive h {x} {.(cons i _)} {.(cons i _)} (h₁ ∷ʳ h₂) (i  h₃) = 
    h₁ ∷ʳ emb-gap⁺-transitive h h₂ h₃
  emb-gap⁺-transitive h {.(cons i _)} {.(cons i _)} {.(cons i _)} (.i  h₁) (i  h₂) = 
    i  emb-gap⁺-transitive h h₁ h₂

  emb-gap⁺-isQO : IsQO {A = A} _≼_  IsQO {A = Word A n} Embedding-gap⁺
  emb-gap⁺-isQO h = 
    { reflexive = emb-gap⁺-reflexive
    ; transitive = emb-gap⁺-transitive (IsQO.transitive h)
    emb-gap⁺-reflexive : Reflexive Embedding-gap⁺
    emb-gap⁺-reflexive {end a} = end (IsQO.reflexive h)
    emb-gap⁺-reflexive {cons i x} = i   emb-gap⁺-reflexive {x}

  emb-gap⁺-size : {x y : Word A n}  (h : Embedding-gap⁺ x y)  size x  size y
  emb-gap⁺-size {.(end _)} {.(end _)} (end h) = ≤-refl
  emb-gap⁺-size {x} {.(cons _ _)} (h ∷ʳ h₁) = ≤-step (emb-gap⁺-size h₁)
  emb-gap⁺-size {.(cons i _)} {.(cons i _)} (i  h) = s≤s (emb-gap⁺-size h)

The version without the "+".
  data Embedding-gap : Word A n  Word A n  Set where
    mk : {x y : Word A n}
       (h : Embedding-gap⁺ x y)
       Embedding-gap x y
    _∷ʳ_ : (j : Fin n) {x y : Word A n}
       (h : Embedding-gap x y)
       Embedding-gap x (cons j y)

  emb-gap-isQO : IsQO {A = A} _≼_  IsQO {A = Word A n} Embedding-gap
  emb-gap-isQO h = 
    { reflexive = emb-gap-reflexive
    ; transitive = emb-gap-transitive
    emb-gap-reflexive : Reflexive Embedding-gap
    emb-gap-reflexive {x} = mk (IsQO.reflexive (emb-gap⁺-isQO h))
    emb-gap-transitive : Transitive Embedding-gap
    emb-gap-transitive {x} {y} {z} (mk xy) (mk yz) = 
      mk (IsQO.transitive (emb-gap⁺-isQO h) xy yz)
    emb-gap-transitive {x} {cons j y} {cons k z} (j ∷ʳ xy) (mk (m≤1+k ∷ʳ jyz)) =
      k ∷ʳ emb-gap-transitive (j ∷ʳ xy) (mk jyz)
    emb-gap-transitive {x} {cons j y} {cons j z} (j ∷ʳ xy) (mk (.j  yz)) = 
      j ∷ʳ emb-gap-transitive xy (mk yz)
    emb-gap-transitive {x} {y} {cons j z} xy (j ∷ʳ yz) = j ∷ʳ emb-gap-transitive xy yz

  emb-gap-size : {x y : Word A n}  (h : Embedding-gap x y)  size x  size y
  emb-gap-size {x} {y} (mk h) = emb-gap⁺-size h
  emb-gap-size {x} {.(cons j _)} (j ∷ʳ h) = ≤-step (emb-gap-size h)

  emb-gap-⊑-emb-gap : {x y z : Word A n}  (h : Embedding-gap x y)  y  z  Embedding-gap x z
  emb-gap-⊑-emb-gap h (⊑-refl _) = h
  emb-gap-⊑-emb-gap h (⊑-step i h₁) = i ∷ʳ emb-gap-⊑-emb-gap h h₁

  emb-gap-min-emb-gap⁺ : {x y : Word A n}
     (h₁ : head x ≤′ min y)
     (h₂ : Embedding-gap x y)
     Embedding-gap⁺ x y
  emb-gap-min-emb-gap⁺ {x} {y} h₁ (mk h₂) = h₂
  emb-gap-min-emb-gap⁺ {end a} {cons .j (end b)} h₁ (j ∷ʳ mk h) = tt ∷ʳ h
  emb-gap-min-emb-gap⁺ {cons i x} {cons .j (end b)} h₁ (j ∷ʳ mk ())
  emb-gap-min-emb-gap⁺ {x} {cons .j (cons i y)} h₁ (j ∷ʳ h₂) = h₉ ∷ʳ h₇
    h₃ : Σ[ m  Fin n ] min (cons i y)  just m
    h₃ = min-cons i y
    m = proj₁ h₃
    eq : min (cons i y)  just m
    eq = proj₂ h₃
    h₄ : min (cons j (cons i y)) ≤′ just m
    h₄ = min-≤-min-tail j m (cons i y) eq
    h₅ : min (cons j (cons i y)) ≤′ min (cons i y)
    h₅ = subst (min (cons j (cons i y)) ≤′_) (sym eq) h₄
    h₆ : head x ≤′ min (cons i y)
    h₆ = ≤′-trans h₁ h₅
    h₇ : Embedding-gap⁺ x (cons i y)
    h₇ = emb-gap-min-emb-gap⁺ h₆ h₂
    h₈ : min (cons j (cons i y)) ≤′ just j
    h₈ = min-≤-head {i = j} {x = cons i y}
    h₉ : head x ≤′ just j
    h₉ = ≤′-trans h₁ h₈

Friedman's "star" function on trees locates the highest node with the minimal internal node label, 
replaces that node with the subtree rooted at that node, and decrements the lables of all higher nodes.
Again, the definition of this function is hard to reason with, and we have to state many easy lemmas
about it for later use.
module _ {A : Set} {n : } where

  star-helper : Fin (suc n)  Word A (suc n)  Word (Word A (suc n)) n
  star-helper m (end a) = end (end a)
  star-helper m (cons i x) with ≤-<-connex (toℕ i) (toℕ m)
  star-helper m (cons i x) | inj₁ i≤m = end (cons i x)
  star-helper m (cons (F.suc i) x) | inj₂ 1+i>m = cons i (star-helper m x)

  star-helper-≤ : (m i : Fin (suc n)) (x : Word A (suc n))
     i F.≤ m
     star-helper m (cons i x)  end (cons i x)
  star-helper-≤ m i x i≤m rewrite ≤-<-connex-≤ (toℕ i) (toℕ m) i≤m = refl

  star-helper-i-cons-i : (x : Word A (suc n)) (i : Fin (suc n))
     star-helper i (cons i x)  end (cons i x)
  star-helper-i-cons-i x i = star-helper-≤ i i x ≤′-refl

  star-helper-> : (m i : Fin (suc n)) (x : Word A (suc n))
     m F.< i
     ∃[ i′ ] (i  F.suc i′ × star-helper m (cons i x)  cons i′ (star-helper m x))
  star-helper-> m (F.suc i) x 1+i>m 
    rewrite ≤-<-connex-> (toℕ (F.suc i)) (toℕ m) 1+i>m = i , refl , refl

  star-helper->-suc : (m : Fin (suc n)) (i : Fin n) (x : Word A (suc n))
     m F.< F.suc i
     star-helper m (cons (F.suc i) x)  cons i (star-helper m x)
  star-helper->-suc m i x i>m rewrite ≤-<-connex-> (toℕ (F.suc i)) (toℕ m) i>m = refl

  star : Word A (suc n)  Word (Word A (suc n)) n
  star x with min x
  ... | just m = star-helper m x
  ... | nothing = end x

  star-just : (m : Fin (suc n)) (x : Word A (suc n))  min x  just m  star x  star-helper m x
  star-just m x h with min x
  star-just .m₁ x refl | just m₁ = refl

  star-nothing : (x : Word A (suc n))  min x  nothing  star x  end x
  star-nothing x h with min x
  ... | nothing = refl

  leaf∘star-⊑ : (x : Word A (suc n))  leaf (star x)  x
  leaf∘star-⊑ x with min x
  ... | just m = leaf∘star-helper-⊑ x
    leaf∘star-helper-⊑ : (x : Word A (suc n))  leaf (star-helper m x)  x
    leaf∘star-helper-⊑ (end a) = ⊑-refl (end a)
    leaf∘star-helper-⊑ (cons i x) with ≤-<-connex (toℕ i) (toℕ m)
    leaf∘star-helper-⊑ (cons i x) | inj₁ i≤m = ⊑-refl (cons i x)
    leaf∘star-helper-⊑ (cons (F.suc i) x) | inj₂ 1+i>m = ⊑-step (F.suc i) (leaf∘star-helper-⊑ x)
  ... | nothing = ⊑-refl x

  leaf≡leaf∘leaf∘star : (x : Word A (suc n))  leaf x  leaf (leaf (star x))
  leaf≡leaf∘leaf∘star x with min x
  ... | nothing = refl
  ... | just m = helper x
    helper : (x : Word A (suc n))  leaf x  leaf (leaf (star-helper m x))
    helper (end a) = refl
    helper (cons i x) with ≤-<-connex (toℕ i) (toℕ m)
    helper (cons i x) | inj₁ i≤m = refl
    helper (cons (F.suc i) x) | inj₂ 1+i>m = helper x

  -- leaf∘star-suffix : (x : Word A (suc n)) → leaf (star x) ⊑ x
  -- leaf∘star-suffix x with min x
  -- ... | nothing = ⊑-refl x
  -- ... | just m = helper x
  --   where
  --   helper : (x : Word A (suc n)) → leaf (star-helper m x) ⊑ x
  --   helper (end a) = ⊑-refl (end a)
  --   helper (cons i x) with ≤-<-connex (toℕ i) (toℕ m)
  --   helper (cons i x) | inj₁ i≤m = ⊑-refl (cons i x)
  --   helper (cons (F.suc i) x) | inj₂ 1+i>m = ⊑-step (F.suc i) (helper x)

Lemma 4.5
This supposedly `straightforward' proof is very long and tedious.
It turned out to be the toughest part of the proof to formalize.
module _ {A : Set} {n : } {_≼_ : A  A  Set} where

  embed-star-Embed : (x y : Word A (suc n))
     min x  min y
     Embedding-gap⁺ (Embedding-gap _≼_) (star x) (star y)
     Embedding-gap⁺ _≼_ x y
  embed-star-Embed (end a) (end b) h₁ (end (mk h)) = h
  embed-star-Embed (end a) (cons j y) h₁ h₂ = ⊥-elim (just≢nothing (sym (trans h₁ h₄)))
    h₃ : Σ[ m  Fin (suc n) ] min (cons j y)  just m
    h₃ = min-cons j y
    m : Fin (suc n)
    m = proj₁ h₃
    h₄ : min (cons j y)  just m
    h₄ = proj₂ h₃
  embed-star-Embed (cons i x) (end b) h₁ h₂ = ⊥-elim (just≢nothing (trans (sym h₄) h₁))
    h₃ : Σ[ m  Fin (suc n) ] min (cons i x)  just m
    h₃ = min-cons i x
    m : Fin (suc n)
    m = proj₁ h₃
    h₄ : min (cons i x)  just m
    h₄ = proj₂ h₃
  embed-star-Embed (cons i x) (cons j y) h₁ h₂ with min x in eq₁ | min y in eq₂
  embed-star-Embed (cons i x) (cons j y) h₁ h₂ | just m₁ | just m₂ 
    with ≤-<-connex (toℕ i) (toℕ m₁) | ≤-<-connex (toℕ j) (toℕ m₂)
  embed-star-Embed (cons i x) (cons .i y) refl h₂ | just m₁ | just m₂ | inj₁ i≤m₁ | inj₁ i≤m₂ 
    rewrite star-helper-i-cons-i x i | star-helper-i-cons-i y i with h₂
  ... | end h = h₅
    h₃ : min (cons i y)  just i
    h₃ = min-cons-≤ y m₂ i eq₂ i≤m₂
    h₄ : just i ≤′ min (cons i y)
    h₄ = ≤′-reflexive (sym h₃)
    h₅ : Embedding-gap⁺ _≼_ (cons i x) (cons i y)
    h₅ = emb-gap-min-emb-gap⁺ _≼_ {x = cons i x} {y = cons i y} h₄ h
  embed-star-Embed (cons m₂ x) (cons (F.suc j) y) refl h₂ | just m₁ | just m₂ | inj₁ m₂≤m₁ | inj₂ 1+j>m₂
    rewrite star-helper-i-cons-i x m₂ | star-helper->-suc m₂ j y 1+j>m₂ with h₂
  ... | tt ∷ʳ h = <⇒≤ 1+j>m₂ ∷ʳ h₇
    h₃ : min (cons m₂ x)  just m₂
    h₃ = min-cons-≤ x m₁ m₂ eq₁ m₂≤m₁
    h₄ : star (cons m₂ x)  end (cons m₂ x)
    h₄ =
        star (cons m₂ x)
      ≡⟨ star-just m₂ (cons m₂ x) h₃ 
        star-helper m₂ (cons m₂ x)
      ≡⟨ star-helper-i-cons-i x m₂ 
        end (cons m₂ x)
    h₅ : star y  star-helper m₂ y
    h₅ = star-just m₂ y eq₂
    h₆ : Embedding-gap⁺ (Embedding-gap _≼_) (star (cons m₂ x)) (star y)
    h₆ rewrite h₄ | h₅ = h
    h₇ : Embedding-gap⁺ _≼_ (cons m₂ x) y
    h₇ = embed-star-Embed (cons m₂ x) y (trans h₃ (sym eq₂)) h₆
  embed-star-Embed (cons (F.suc i) x) (cons .m₁ y) refl h₂ | just m₁ | just m₂ | inj₂ 1+i>m₁ | inj₁ j≤m₂
    rewrite star-helper->-suc m₁ i x 1+i>m₁ | star-helper-i-cons-i y m₁ with h₂
  ... | ()
  embed-star-Embed (cons (F.suc i) x) (cons (F.suc j) y) refl h₂ | just m₁ | just .m₁ | inj₂ 1+i>m₁ | inj₂ 1+j>m₁
    rewrite star-helper->-suc m₁ i x 1+i>m₁ | star-helper->-suc m₁ j y 1+j>m₁ with h₂
  ... | i≤j ∷ʳ h  = s≤s i≤j ∷ʳ h₇
    h₃ : min (cons (F.suc i) x)  just m₁
    h₃ = min-cons-> x m₁ (F.suc i) eq₁ 1+i>m₁
    h₄ : star (cons (F.suc i) x)  cons i (star-helper m₁ x)
    h₄ = 
        star (cons (F.suc i) x)
      ≡⟨ star-just m₁ (cons (F.suc i) x) h₃ 
        star-helper m₁ (cons (F.suc i) x)
      ≡⟨ star-helper->-suc m₁ i x 1+i>m₁ 
        cons i (star-helper m₁ x)
    h₅ : star y  star-helper m₁ y
    h₅ = star-just m₁ y eq₂
    h₆ : Embedding-gap⁺ (Embedding-gap _≼_)
         (star (cons (F.suc i) x)) (star y)
    h₆ rewrite h₄ | h₅ = h
    h₇ : Embedding-gap⁺ _≼_ (cons (F.suc i) x) y
    h₇ = embed-star-Embed (cons (F.suc i) x) y (trans h₃ (sym eq₂)) h₆
  ... | .j  h    = (F.suc j)  h₆
    h₃ : star x  star-helper m₁ x
    h₃ = star-just m₁ x eq₁
    h₄ : star y  star-helper m₁ y
    h₄ = star-just m₁ y eq₂
    h₅ : Embedding-gap⁺ (Embedding-gap _≼_) (star x) (star y)
    h₅ rewrite h₃ | h₄ = h
    h₆ : Embedding-gap⁺ _≼_ x y
    h₆ = embed-star-Embed x y (trans eq₁ (sym eq₂)) h₅ 
  embed-star-Embed (cons i x) (cons j y) h₁ h₂ | just m₁ | nothing with ≤-<-connex (toℕ i) (toℕ m₁)
Here a contradition is already apparent since if min x ≡ just m₁ and min y ≡ nothing, then 
size x ≥ 2 and size y ≡ 1, which means that star (cons i x) cannot embed into star (cons j y).
Rather than state and prove this general fact, we let Agda look for a proof of such an embedding
and fail.
  embed-star-Embed (cons i x) (cons .i y) refl h₂ | just m₁ | nothing | inj₁ i≤m₁ 
    rewrite star-helper-i-cons-i x i | star-helper-i-cons-i y i with min-nothing y eq₂ 
  ... | a , refl with h₂
  ... | end (mk (.i  end h)) = ⊥-elim (just≢nothing (sym eq₁))
  ... | end (.i ∷ʳ mk ())
  embed-star-Embed (cons (F.suc i) x) (cons .m₁ y) refl h₂ | just m₁ | nothing | inj₂ 1+i>m₁ 
    rewrite star-helper->-suc m₁ i x 1+i>m₁ | star-helper-i-cons-i y m₁ with h₂
  ... | ()
  embed-star-Embed (cons i x) (cons j y) h₁ h₂ | nothing | just m₁ with ≤-<-connex (toℕ j) (toℕ m₁)
  embed-star-Embed (cons .j x) (cons j y) refl h₂ | nothing | just m₁ | inj₁ j≤m₁ 
    rewrite star-helper-i-cons-i x j | star-helper-i-cons-i y j with h₂ 
  ... | end h = emb-gap-min-emb-gap⁺ _≼_ h₄ h
    h₃ : min (cons j y)  just j
    h₃ = min-cons-≤ y m₁ j eq₂ j≤m₁
    h₄ : just j ≤′ min (cons j y)
    h₄ = ≤′-reflexive (sym h₃)
  embed-star-Embed (cons m₁ x) (cons (F.suc j) y) refl h₂ | nothing | just m₁ | inj₂ 1+j>m₁ 
    rewrite star-helper-i-cons-i x m₁ | star-helper->-suc m₁ j y 1+j>m₁ with h₂
  ... | tt ∷ʳ h = ≤-trans (≤-step ≤-refl) 1+j>m₁ ∷ʳ h₇
    h₃ : min (cons m₁ x)  just m₁
    h₃ = min-cons-nothing x m₁ eq₁
    h₄ : star (cons m₁ x)  end (cons m₁ x)
    h₄ = 
        star (cons m₁ x)
      ≡⟨ star-just m₁ (cons m₁ x) h₃ 
        star-helper m₁ (cons m₁ x)
      ≡⟨ star-helper-i-cons-i x m₁ 
        end (cons m₁ x)
    h₅ : star y  star-helper m₁ y
    h₅ = star-just m₁ y eq₂
    h₆ : Embedding-gap⁺ (Embedding-gap _≼_) (star (cons m₁ x)) (star y)
    h₆ rewrite h₄ | h₅ = h
    h₇ : Embedding-gap⁺ _≼_ (cons m₁ x) y
    h₇ = embed-star-Embed (cons m₁ x) y (trans h₃ (sym eq₂)) h₆
  embed-star-Embed (cons i x) (cons .i y) refl h₂ | nothing | nothing 
    rewrite star-helper-i-cons-i x i | star-helper-i-cons-i y i with h₂
  ... | end h = emb-gap-min-emb-gap⁺ _≼_ h₄ h
    h₃ : min (cons i y)  just i
    h₃ = min-cons-nothing y i eq₂
    h₄ : just i ≤′ min (cons i y)
    h₄ = ≤′-reflexive (sym h₃)

Definition of the conditions on n that are used in (my variants of) Lemmas 4.6 and 4.7.
Gap⁺ n means that for every A together with a binary relarion _≼_ and for every sequence f of words in Word A n,
if its leaf sequence is very good with respect to _≼_, then f is very good with respect to Embedding-gap⁺ _≼_.
Gap⁺-good : (n : )  Set₁
Gap⁺-good n = {A : Set} (_≼_ : A  A  Set) (f :   Word A n)
   VeryGood _≼_ (leaf  f)
   Good (Embedding-gap⁺ _≼_) f

Gap⁺ : (n : )  Set₁
Gap⁺ n = {A : Set} (_≼_ : A  A  Set) (f :   Word A n)
   VeryGood _≼_ (leaf  f)
   VeryGood (Embedding-gap⁺ _≼_) f

gap⁺-good-gap⁺ : (n : )  Gap⁺-good n  Gap⁺ n
gap⁺-good-gap⁺ n hgood _≼_ f h r r-increasing = 
  hgood _≼_ (f  r) (subseq-veryGood _≼_ (leaf  f) r h r-increasing)

Gap-suc n means that for every A with a binary relation _≼_ on A and every sequence f of words in Word A (suc n), 
if its leaf sequence is very good with respect to _≼_, then f is very good with respect to Embedding-gap _≼_.
Gap-suc-good : (n : )  Set₁
Gap-suc-good n = {A : Set} (_≼_ : A  A  Set) (f :   Word A (suc n))
   VeryGood _≼_ (leaf  f)
   Good (Embedding-gap _≼_) f

Gap-suc : (n : )  Set₁
Gap-suc n = {A : Set} (_≼_ : A  A  Set) (f :   Word A (suc n))
   VeryGood _≼_ (leaf  f)
   VeryGood (Embedding-gap _≼_) f

gap-suc-good-gap-suc : (n : )  Gap-suc-good n  Gap-suc n
gap-suc-good-gap-suc n gap-suc-good-n _≼_ f h r r-increasing = 
  gap-suc-good-n _≼_ (f  r) (subseq-veryGood _≼_ (leaf  f) r h r-increasing)

Lemma 4.6
gap-suc-gap⁺-implies-gap⁺-suc : (n : )  Gap-suc n  Gap⁺ n  Gap⁺ (suc n)
gap-suc-gap⁺-implies-gap⁺-suc n gap-suc-n gap⁺-n = gap⁺-good-gap⁺ (suc n) gap⁺-good-suc-n
  gap⁺-good-suc-n : Gap⁺-good (suc n)
  gap⁺-good-suc-n {A} _≼_ f leaf∘f-veryGood = i , j , i<j , fifj
    l :   Word A (suc n)
    l i = leaf (star (f i))
    h₁ : (i : )  (leaf  f) i  (leaf  l) i
    h₁ i = leaf≡leaf∘leaf∘star (f i)
    h₂ : VeryGood _≼_ (leaf  l)
    h₂ = veryGood-extensional {A = A} {_≼_ = _≼_} (leaf  f) (leaf  l) h₁ leaf∘f-veryGood
    h₃ : VeryGood (Embedding-gap _≼_) l 
    h₃ = gap-suc-n _≼_ l h₂
    h₄ : VeryGood (Embedding-gap⁺ (Embedding-gap _≼_)) (star  f)
    h₄ = gap⁺-n (Embedding-gap _≼_) (star  f) h₃
    p = prodOrder (_≡_ {A = Maybe (Fin (suc n))}) (Embedding-gap⁺ (Embedding-gap _≼_))
    h₅ : VeryGood (_≡_ {A = Maybe (Fin (suc n))}) (min  f)
    h₅ = almostFull-veryGood _≡_ (min  f) MaybeFin-≡.almostFull
    h₆ : VeryGood p (prodSeq (min  f) (star  f))
    h₆ = prod-veryGood {_≼₁_ = _≡_ {A = Maybe (Fin (suc n))}} {_≼₂_ = Embedding-gap⁺ (Embedding-gap _≼_)} 
          {f = min  f} {g = star  f} trans h₅ h₄
    h₇ = veryGood⇒good p (prodSeq (min  f) (star  f)) h₆
    i = proj₁ h₇
    j = proj₁ (proj₂ h₇)
    i<j = proj₁ (proj₂ (proj₂ h₇))
    sfisfj : Embedding-gap⁺ (Embedding-gap _≼_) (star (f i)) (star (f j))
    sfisfj = proj₂ (proj₂ (proj₂ (proj₂ h₇)))
    mfi≡mfj = proj₁ (proj₂ (proj₂ (proj₂ h₇)))
    fifj : Embedding-gap⁺ _≼_ (f i) (f j)
    fifj = embed-star-Embed (f i) (f j) mfi≡mfj sfisfj

Lemma 4.7
gap⁺-implies-gap-suc : (n : )  Gap⁺ n  Gap-suc n
gap⁺-implies-gap-suc n gap⁺-n = gap-suc-good-gap-suc n gap-suc-good-n
  gap-suc-good-n : Gap-suc-good n
  gap-suc-good-n {A} _≼_ f leaf∘f-veryGood = ¬¬-elim f-notBad
    f-notBad : ¬ (¬ Good (Embedding-gap _≼_) f)
    f-notBad f-bad = mbs-bad mbs-good
      open MBS {A = Word A (suc n)} size (Embedding-gap _≼_) _⊑_  {x}  ⊑-refl x) {f = f} f-bad hiding (_⊏_)
      leaf∘mbs-veryGood : VeryGood _≼_ (leaf  mbs)
      leaf∘mbs-veryGood = 
        veryGood-extensional {A = A} {_≼_ = _≼_} 
          (leaf  f  s) (leaf  mbs) (sym  leaf∘mbs≡leaf∘f∘s) leaf∘f∘s-veryGood
        s :   
        s = proj₁ (mbs-sub-⊑)
        s-increasing : Increasing _<_ s
        s-increasing = proj₁ (proj₂ mbs-sub-⊑)
        leaf∘mbs≡leaf∘f∘s : (i : )  leaf (mbs i)  leaf (f (s i))
        leaf∘mbs≡leaf∘f∘s i = ⊑-leaf (proj₂ (proj₂ mbs-sub-⊑) i)
        leaf∘f∘s-veryGood : VeryGood _≼_ (leaf  f  s)
        leaf∘f∘s-veryGood = subseq-veryGood _≼_ (leaf  f) s leaf∘f-veryGood s-increasing
      -- reasoning by cases
      Inf = (k : )  Σ[ l   ] k < l × size (mbs l)  1
      h₁ : Inf  Σ[ k   ] ((l : )  k < l  size (mbs l)  1)
      h₁ = infinite-or-cofinite-¬  i  size (mbs i)  1)
      h₂ : Inf  
      h₂ inf = contra
        k = proj₁ (inf zero)
        r :   
        r zero = k
        r (suc x) = proj₁ (inf (r x))
        r-step : (i : )  r i < r (suc i)
        r-step i = proj₁ (proj₂ (inf (r i)))
        r-increasing : Increasing _<_ r
        r-increasing = increasing-step-increasing r r-step
        h₃ : (i : )  mbs (r i)  end (leaf (mbs (r i)))
        h₃ zero = size≡1 (mbs k) (proj₂ (proj₂ (inf zero)))
        h₃ (suc i) = size≡1 (mbs (r (suc i))) (proj₂ (proj₂ (inf (r i))))
        leaf∘mbs∘r-good : Good _≼_ (leaf  mbs  r)
        leaf∘mbs∘r-good = leaf∘mbs-veryGood r r-increasing
        i = proj₁ leaf∘mbs∘r-good
        j = proj₁ (proj₂ leaf∘mbs∘r-good)
        i<j = proj₁ (proj₂ (proj₂ leaf∘mbs∘r-good))
        h₄ : leaf (mbs (r i))  leaf (mbs (r j))
        h₄ = proj₂ (proj₂ (proj₂ leaf∘mbs∘r-good))
        h₅ : Embedding-gap {A = A} {n = suc n} _≼_ (end (leaf (mbs (r i)))) (end (leaf (mbs (r j))))
        h₅ = mk (end h₄)
        h₆ : Embedding-gap {A = A} {n = suc n} _≼_ (mbs (r i)) (mbs (r j))
        h₆ = subst  z  Embedding-gap {A = A} {n = suc n} _≼_ z (mbs (r j))) (sym (h₃ i))
              (subst (Embedding-gap {A = A} {n = suc n} _≼_ (end (leaf (mbs (r i))))) (sym (h₃ j)) h₅)
        contra : 
        contra = mbs-bad (r i , r j , r-increasing i j i<j , h₆)
      h₇ : Σ[ k   ] ((l : )  k < l  size (mbs l)  1)
      h₇ = ⊎-¬ˡ h₁ h₂
      k = proj₁ h₇
      cof : (l : )  k < l  1 < size (mbs l)
      cof l k<l = ≤∧≢⇒< (size≥1 (mbs l))  z   proj₂ h₇ l k<l (sym z))
      g-helper : (l : )  ∃₂  i x  mbs (l + (1 + k))  cons i x)
      g-helper l = size>1 (mbs (l + (1 + k))) ineq
        ineq : 1 < size (mbs (l + (1 + k)))
        ineq = cof (l + (1 + k)) ((m≤n+m (1 + k)) l) 
      g :   Word A (suc n)
      g l = proj₁ (proj₂ (g-helper l))
      g-head :   Fin (suc n)
      g-head l = proj₁ (g-helper l)
      g-cons : (l : )  mbs (l + (1 + k))  cons (g-head l) (g l)
      g-cons l = proj₂ (proj₂ (g-helper l))
      g-⊏ : (l : )  g l  mbs (l + (1 + k))
      g-⊏ l = subst (g l ⊏_) (sym (g-cons l)) (tail-⊏ (g-head l) (g l))

      open Sub-⊑-⊏ ⊏-size-< (emb-gap-⊑-emb-gap _≼_) ⊑-transitive

      g∈Sub-⊏-mbs : g  Sub-⊏ mbs
      g∈Sub-⊏-mbs = r , r-increasing , g-⊏
        r :   
        r i = i + (1 + k)
        r-increasing : Increasing _<_ r
        r-increasing m n m<n = +-monoˡ-< (1 + k) m<n
      g* :   Word (Word A (suc n)) n
      g* i = star (g i)
      leaf∘g*-veryGood-emb-gap-suc : VeryGood (Embedding-gap {A = A} {n = suc n} _≼_) (leaf  g*)
      leaf∘g*-veryGood-emb-gap-suc = Sub-⊏-mbs⇒VeryGood (leaf  g*) leaf∘g*∈Sub-⊏-mbs
        leaf∘g*∈Sub-⊏-mbs : leaf  g*  Sub-⊏ mbs
        leaf∘g*∈Sub-⊏-mbs = 
          (_+ (1 + k)) ,  _ _  +-monoˡ-< (1 + k)) , λ i  ⊑-⊏-⊏ (leaf∘star-⊑ (g i)) (g-⊏ i)
      g*-veryGood-emb-gap⁺ : 
        VeryGood (Embedding-gap⁺ {A = Word A (suc n)} {n = n} (Embedding-gap {A = A} {n = suc n} _≼_)) g*
      g*-veryGood-emb-gap⁺ = 
        gap⁺-n {A = Word A (suc n)} (Embedding-gap {A = A} {n = suc n} _≼_) g* leaf∘g*-veryGood-emb-gap-suc
      p = prodOrder (_≡_ {A = Maybe (Fin (suc n))})
                    (Embedding-gap⁺ {A = Word A (suc n)} {n = n} (Embedding-gap {A = A} {n = suc n} _≼_))
      seq = prodSeq (min  g) g*
      min∘g,g*-veryGood-emb-gap+ : VeryGood p seq -- (λ i → min (g i) , g* i)
      min∘g,g*-veryGood-emb-gap+ = 
          {_≼₁_ = _≡_}
          {_≼₂_ = Embedding-gap⁺ {A = Word A (suc n)} {n = n} (Embedding-gap {A = A} {n = suc n} _≼_)} 
          {f = min  g} {g = g*}
          (almostFull-veryGood {A = Maybe (Fin (suc n))} _≡_ (min  g) MaybeFin-≡.almostFull) 
      g-veryGood-emb-gap⁺-suc : VeryGood (Embedding-gap⁺ {A = A} {n = suc n} _≼_) g
      g-veryGood-emb-gap⁺-suc r r-increasing = i , j , i<j , (embed-star-Embed (g (r i)) (g (r j)) h₁₀ h₁₁)
        h₉ : Good p (seq  r)
        h₉ = min∘g,g*-veryGood-emb-gap+ r r-increasing
        i j : 
        i = proj₁ h₉
        j = proj₁ (proj₂ h₉)
        i<j : i < j
        i<j = proj₁ (proj₂ (proj₂ h₉))
        h₁₀ : min (g (r i))  min (g (r j))
        h₁₀ = proj₁ (proj₂ (proj₂ (proj₂ h₉)))
        h₁₁ : Embedding-gap⁺ {A = Word A (suc n)} {n = n} 
                            (Embedding-gap {A = A} {n = suc n} _≼_) (g* (r i)) (g* (r j))
        h₁₁ = proj₂ (proj₂ (proj₂ (proj₂ h₉)))
      p₁ = prodOrder (_≡_ {A = Fin (suc n)})
                    (Embedding-gap⁺ {A = A} {n = suc n} _≼_)
      seq₁ = prodSeq g-head g
      g-head,g-veryGood-emb-gap⁺-suc : VeryGood p₁ seq₁
      g-head,g-veryGood-emb-gap⁺-suc = 
          {_≼₁_ = _≡_}
          {_≼₂_ = Embedding-gap⁺ {A = A} {n = suc n} _≼_} 
          {f = g-head}
          {g = g}
          (almostFull-veryGood _≡_ g-head Fin-≡.almostFull)
      g-head,g-Good-emb-gap⁺-suc : Good p₁ seq₁
      g-head,g-Good-emb-gap⁺-suc = veryGood⇒good p₁ seq₁ g-head,g-veryGood-emb-gap⁺-suc
      i j : 
      i = proj₁ g-head,g-Good-emb-gap⁺-suc
      j = proj₁ (proj₂ g-head,g-Good-emb-gap⁺-suc)
      i<j : i < j
      i<j = proj₁ (proj₂ (proj₂ g-head,g-Good-emb-gap⁺-suc))
      h₁₂ : p₁ (seq₁ i) (seq₁ j)
      h₁₂ = proj₂ (proj₂ (proj₂ g-head,g-Good-emb-gap⁺-suc))
      h₁₃ : g-head i  g-head j
      h₁₃ = proj₁ h₁₂
      h₁₄ : Embedding-gap⁺ {A = A} {n = suc n} _≼_ (g i) (g j)
      h₁₄ = proj₂ h₁₂
      h₁₅ : Embedding-gap⁺ {A = A} {n = suc n} _≼_ (mbs (i + (1 + k))) (mbs (j + (1 + k)))
      h₁₅ = 
           z  Embedding-gap⁺ _≼_ z (mbs (j + (1 + k)))) 
          (sym (g-cons i))
            (Embedding-gap⁺ _≼_ (cons (g-head i) (g i)))
            (sym (g-cons j))
               z  Embedding-gap⁺ _≼_ (cons (g-head i) (g i)) (cons z (g j)))
              (g-head i  h₁₄)))
      i+1+k<j+1+k : i + (1 + k) < j + (1 + k)
      i+1+k<j+1+k = +-monoˡ-< (1 + k) i<j
      mbs-good : Good (Embedding-gap {A = A} {n = suc n} _≼_) mbs
      mbs-good = (i + (1 + k) , j + (1 + k) , i+1+k<j+1+k , mk h₁₅)
This is weird. With h₁₅ in place of mk h₁₅ in the above line, you can prove that mbs is Good 
with respect to Embedding-gap⁺ {A = A} {n = suc n}.
Of course, this doesn't mean that this proof suffices for (n : ℕ) → Gap⁺ n → Gap⁺ (suc n), 
since we've only derived a contradition under the assumption that there is a bad sequence 
with respect to Embedding-gap {A = A} {n = suc n}.

Theorem 4.8
gap⁺ : (n : )  Gap⁺ n
gap-suc : (n : )  Gap-suc n

gap⁺ zero {A = A} _≼_ f leaf∘f-veryGood r r-increasing = i , j , i<j , h₂
  leaf∘f∘r-good : Good _≼_ (leaf  (f  r))
  leaf∘f∘r-good = leaf∘f-veryGood r r-increasing
  f≡end∘leaf∘f : (k : )  f k  end (leaf (f k))
  f≡end∘leaf∘f k with f k
  ... | end a = refl
  i j : 
  i = proj₁ leaf∘f∘r-good
  j = proj₁ (proj₂ leaf∘f∘r-good)
  i<j = proj₁ (proj₂ (proj₂ leaf∘f∘r-good))
  h₁ : leaf (f (r i))  leaf (f (r j))
  h₁ = proj₂ (proj₂ (proj₂ leaf∘f∘r-good))
  h₂ : Embedding-gap⁺ {A = A} {n = zero} _≼_ (f (r i)) (f (r j))
  h₂ rewrite f≡end∘leaf∘f (r i) | f≡end∘leaf∘f (r j) = end h₁
gap⁺ (suc n) = gap-suc-gap⁺-implies-gap⁺-suc n (gap-suc n) (gap⁺ n)

gap-suc n = gap⁺-implies-gap-suc n (gap⁺ n)

emb-gap⁺-almostFull : {A : Set} (_≼_ : A  A  Set)
   AlmostFull _≼_
   (n : )  AlmostFull {A = Word A n} (Embedding-gap⁺ {A = A} {n = n} _≼_)
emb-gap⁺-almostFull {A} _≼_ ≼-almostFull n f = veryGood⇒good (Embedding-gap⁺ {A = A} {n = n} _≼_) f f-veryGood
  leaf∘f-veryGood : VeryGood _≼_ (leaf  f)
  leaf∘f-veryGood = almostFull-veryGood _≼_ (leaf  f) ≼-almostFull
  f-veryGood : VeryGood (Embedding-gap⁺ {A = A} {n = n} _≼_) f
  f-veryGood = gap⁺ n _≼_ f leaf∘f-veryGood

emb-gap⁺-isWQO : {A : Set} {_≼_ : A  A  Set}  IsWQO _≼_  (n : )  IsWQO (Embedding-gap⁺ {A = A} {n = n} _≼_)
emb-gap⁺-isWQO {A} {_≼_} ≼-isWQO n = 
  { isQO        = emb-gap⁺-isQO {n = n} _≼_ (IsWQO.isQO ≼-isWQO)        -- a bit inconsistent about when to make an argument implicit
  ; almostFull  = emb-gap⁺-almostFull _≼_ (IsWQO.almostFull ≼-isWQO) n