-- The Agda standard library
-- Commutative semirings with some additional structure ("almost"
-- commutative rings), used by the ring solver

{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}

module Algebra.Solver.Ring.AlmostCommutativeRing where

open import Algebra
open import Algebra.Structures
open import Algebra.Definitions
import Algebra.Morphism as Morphism
import Algebra.Morphism.Definitions as MorphismDefinitions
open import Function hiding (Morphism)
open import Level
open import Relation.Binary

record IsAlmostCommutativeRing {a } {A : Set a} (_≈_ : Rel A )
                               (_+_ _*_ : Op₂ A) (-_ : Op₁ A)
                               (0# 1# : A) : Set (a  ) where
    isCommutativeSemiring : IsCommutativeSemiring _≈_ _+_ _*_ 0# 1#
    -‿cong                : Congruent₁ _≈_ -_
    -‿*-distribˡ          :  x y  ((- x) * y)      (- (x * y))
    -‿+-comm              :  x y  ((- x) + (- y))  (- (x + y))

  open IsCommutativeSemiring isCommutativeSemiring public

record AlmostCommutativeRing c  : Set (suc (c  )) where
  infix  8 -_
  infixl 7 _*_
  infixl 6 _+_
  infix  4 _≈_
    Carrier                 : Set c
    _≈_                     : Rel Carrier 
    _+_                     : Op₂ Carrier
    _*_                     : Op₂ Carrier
    -_                      : Op₁ Carrier
    0#                      : Carrier
    1#                      : Carrier
    isAlmostCommutativeRing : IsAlmostCommutativeRing _≈_ _+_ _*_ -_ 0# 1#

  open IsAlmostCommutativeRing isAlmostCommutativeRing public

  commutativeSemiring : CommutativeSemiring _ _
  commutativeSemiring = record
    { isCommutativeSemiring = isCommutativeSemiring

  open CommutativeSemiring commutativeSemiring public
    ( +-magma; +-semigroup
    ; *-magma; *-semigroup; *-commutativeSemigroup
    ; +-monoid; +-commutativeMonoid
    ; *-monoid; *-commutativeMonoid
    ; semiring

  rawRing : RawRing _ _
  rawRing = record
    { _≈_ = _≈_
    ; _+_ = _+_
    ; _*_ = _*_
    ; -_  = -_
    ; 0#  = 0#
    ; 1#  = 1#

-- Homomorphisms

record _-Raw-AlmostCommutative⟶_
  {r₁ r₂ r₃ r₄}
  (From : RawRing r₁ r₄)
  (To : AlmostCommutativeRing r₂ r₃) : Set (r₁  r₂  r₃) where
    module F = RawRing From
    module T = AlmostCommutativeRing To
  open MorphismDefinitions F.Carrier T.Carrier T._≈_
    ⟦_⟧    : Morphism
    +-homo : Homomorphic₂ ⟦_⟧ F._+_ T._+_
    *-homo : Homomorphic₂ ⟦_⟧ F._*_ T._*_
    -‿homo : Homomorphic₁ ⟦_⟧ F.-_  T.-_
    0-homo : Homomorphic₀ ⟦_⟧ F.0#  T.0#
    1-homo : Homomorphic₀ ⟦_⟧ F.1#  T.1#

-raw-almostCommutative⟶ :
   {r₁ r₂} (R : AlmostCommutativeRing r₁ r₂) 
  AlmostCommutativeRing.rawRing R -Raw-AlmostCommutative⟶ R
-raw-almostCommutative⟶ R = record
  { ⟦_⟧    = id
  ; +-homo = λ _ _  refl
  ; *-homo = λ _ _  refl
  ; -‿homo = λ _  refl
  ; 0-homo = refl
  ; 1-homo = refl
  where open AlmostCommutativeRing R

Induced-equivalence :  {c₁ c₂ ℓ₁ ℓ₂} {Coeff : RawRing c₁ ℓ₁}
                      {R : AlmostCommutativeRing c₂ ℓ₂} 
                      Coeff -Raw-AlmostCommutative⟶ R 
                      Rel (RawRing.Carrier Coeff) ℓ₂
Induced-equivalence {R = R} morphism a b =  a    b 
  open AlmostCommutativeRing R
  open _-Raw-AlmostCommutative⟶_ morphism

-- Conversions

-- Commutative rings are almost commutative rings.

fromCommutativeRing :  {r₁ r₂}  CommutativeRing r₁ r₂  AlmostCommutativeRing r₁ r₂
fromCommutativeRing CR = record
  { isAlmostCommutativeRing = record
      { isCommutativeSemiring = isCommutativeSemiring
      ; -‿cong                = -‿cong
      ; -‿*-distribˡ          = λ x y  sym (-‿distribˡ-* x y)
      ; -‿+-comm              = ⁻¹-∙-comm
  open CommutativeRing CR
  open import Algebra.Properties.Ring ring
  open import Algebra.Properties.AbelianGroup +-abelianGroup

-- Commutative semirings can be viewed as almost commutative rings by
-- using identity as the "almost negation".

fromCommutativeSemiring :  {r₁ r₂}  CommutativeSemiring r₁ r₂  AlmostCommutativeRing _ _
fromCommutativeSemiring CS = record
  { -_                      = id
  ; isAlmostCommutativeRing = record
      { isCommutativeSemiring = isCommutativeSemiring
      ; -‿cong                = id
      ; -‿*-distribˡ          = λ _ _  refl
      ; -‿+-comm              = λ _ _  refl
  where open CommutativeSemiring CS