Second Workshop on Lambda Calculus and Formal Grammar

[Japanese | English]

Workshop held at the National Institute of Informatics
February 2, 2006

This is the second installment of an informal workshop series that started last year. (See the program of last year's workshop.) The theme of the workshop is the interface between the lambda calculus and formal grammar, with a particular emphasis on the grammar formalism known as Abstract Categorial Grammar or Lambda Grammar. The workshop is open to all interested people.

The workshop is part of the NII joint research project Toward a Comprehensive Model of Grammar Based on the Typed Lambda Calculus, headed by Makoto Kanazawa.

Invited Speakers

Philippe de Groote, INRIA-Lorraine
Sylvain Pogodalla, INRIA-Lorraine

Date and Place

Date:February 2, 2006
Place:Conference Room 1208, 12th floor, National Institute of Informatics (National Center of Sciences Building). (Map and access information.)

When you enter the National Center of Sciences, tell the guard that you are attending the workshop on the 12th floor.


9:45Opening Remarks
10:00Makoto Kanazawa (NII), Semantics-Driven Learning of Lexicalized Grammars
11:00Sylvain Pogodalla (INRIA-Lorraine), About Higher-Order in Semantic Representation for TAGs
13:30Ryo Yoshinaka (University of Tokyo and NII), Simulation of Deterministic Tree Walking Transducers by Two-Dimensional ACGs
14:30Sylvain Salvati (NII), Encoding Second-Order String ACGs with Deterministic Tree Walking Transducers
16:00Kazushige Terui (NII), Intersection Types for Computational Complexity
17:00Philippe de Groote (INRIA-Lorraine), Type-Theoretic Extensions of Abstract Categorial Grammars

The program is subject to change.

For further information, contact me at the following address:

Makoto Kanazawa
kanazawa at nii

Last modified: 2006-11-28 13:31:38 JST