Like many other grammatical categories, focus particles (FPs) in Japanese show a number of similarities and differences with their English counterparts. One of the most significant differences between the two is that the former sometimes allow association with phrases larger than the ones they attach to, while the latter never allow it. This peculiar behavior of FPs in Japanese has often been pointed out in the literature (see Numata (2000) and references therein). A typical example is the following: (1) [Pan dake o tabe ta.]_F bread only ACC eat PAST ``(I) only ate bread (and didn't wash my face this morning).'' In (1), the FP `dake' attaches to the noun `pan' but what is focused and associated with it is the whole VP containing the FP, as can be inferred from the English translation. In Japanese, an FP can also associate with a phrase that is a subpart of what it attaches to. In this respect, it behaves in much the same way as its counterpart in English. (2) [S Pan_F o tabe ta] dake da. bread ACC eat PAST only COP ``(I) ate only bread.'' In (2), the FP `dake' associates with the noun `pan', which is a subpart of the S to which `dake' attaches. In spite of the vast amount of work on FPs in Japanese, none of the previous formal accounts, as far as I am aware, have offered precise and consistent analyses of the phenomena mentioned above. In this talk, I will present an explicit mechanism of association with focus in Japanese that deals with these two cases in a uniform manner. The proposed theory is basically formulated in the alternative semantics of Rooth (1985) together with an HPSG syntax (Pollard and Sag 1994). I will also address the problems of the semantic difference of `de dake' and `dake de' sentences exemplified by the following pair and scope interactions between two FPs. (3) a. Zitensya dake de soko ni ik eru. bike only with there to go can ``I can get there by bike alone.'' / ``Only by bike, can I get there.'' b. Zitensya de dake soko ni ik eru. bike with only there to go can ``Only by bike, can I get there.'' References Numata, Y. 2000. Toritate (Focusing). In S. Kinsui, M. Kudo and Y. Numata. Toki, Hitei to Toritate (Tense, Negation and Focusing). Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten. Rooth, M. E. 1985. Association with Focus. Ph. D. Dissertation. University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Pollard, C. J. and I. A. Sag. 1994. Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.