February 21, 2003
- Time:
- 5:00pm, February 21, 2003
- Place:
- Conference room, 3rd floor, Building 10, College of Arts and Sciences,
University of Tokyo Komaba campus
- Speaker:
- Katsuhiko Yabushita (Naruto University of Education)
- Title:
- World Knowledge in the Interpretation of Donkey Sentences as Seen
in the Distribution of the Existential and Universal Readings
- Abstract:
In this talk, I will present an analysis of the distribution of the
existential and universal readings of donkey sentences in which world
knowledge will play an essential role in interpretation for every
instance of donkey sentence, not a marginal one resorted to only for
exceptional cases as has generally been assumed in the literature.
Specifically, on the Lewis-Kamp-Heim approach to quantification
assuming the tripartite structure Q [Phi] [Psi], world knowledge will
be proposed to be relevant to the specification on a particular
context, of the following two points: (i) what (partial) assignments
verifying the restriction [Phi] constitute distinct 'cases' with
respect to the verification of the nuclear scope [Psi], and (ii) what
it means for a 'case', now a set of assignment functions to verify the
nuclear scope [Psi]. It will be seen that the distribution of the
existential and universal readings falls out automatically as a
consequence from the above settings without any stipulation
specifying which quantificational force should be associated with the
donkey pronoun. Furthermore, the current analysis will be
demonstrated to be empirically more adequate than the existent
analyses proposed in the literature, and its theoretical implications
will be discussed.
Last modified: Wed Jun 4 23:42:41 JST 2003