- とき:
- 6月23日(金)4:30pm
- ところ:
- 東京大学総合文化研究科(駒場キャンパス)10号館3階会議室
- 発表者:
- 吉満昭宏(名古屋大学大学院)
- タイトル:
- A Dynamic Semntics for Vague Predicates
- 概要:
- Since the mid-seventies supervaluationism has been applied
to give a conservative semantics for vague predicates and to
avoid the so-called sorites paradox (e.g., Fine (1975) and Kamp (1975)).
As many opponents pointed out, however, this framework has
something elusive and lacks any explanations for it. Dynamic
samantics I present this time is intended to defend its elusiveness
positively from an information-theorerical point of view (the original
idea is based upon Pinkal (1984, 1985)). Thus the aim of this talk
is to present a dynamic semantics for vague predicates as a revised
version of supervaluationism and to discuss its advantages and
Last modified: Mon Jun 12 10:44:27 JST 2000