- とき:
- 4月24日(土)3:00pm
- ところ:
- 上智大学中央図書館6階 L-620
- 発表者:
- Uli Sauerland(神田外語大学)
- タイトル:
- What do Quantifiers Range Over?
- 概要:
Current theories of DP quantification posit a dichotomy between
interrogative quantifiers, which are allowed to quantify over choice or
Skolem functions (e.g. Engdahl 1980, 1986, Chierchia 1992), and
non-interrogative quantifiers, which are restricted to quantification
over individuals. Evidence from the distribution of Condition
C effects (Chomsky 1993, Fox 1994) and identity of trace
effects in Antecedent Contained Deletion (Sauerland 1998)
shows that the dichotomy is not only conceptually, but also
empirically problematic. This talk develops a uniform
semantics for DP quantification, in which all quantifiers
uniformly quantify over choice functions. Von Stechow
(1996)'s earlier proposal along these lines is shown to make
wrong predictions for proportional and cardinal quantifiers,
as well as cases involving a bound variable. As a refinement
of von Stechow's proposal, I propose to restrict
quantification over pointwise different choice functions.
Last modified: Wed Apr 28 13:23:50 JST 1999