[日本語 | English]
- とき:
- 2017年8月4日 4:30pm
- ところ:
慶應義塾大学 三田キャンパス
- 講演者:
- 中村昂裕 (上智大学)
- タイトル:
- Quantificational/Predicative Numeral Quantifiers in Japanese
- 概要:
Numeral Quantifiers in Japanese can appear both pre-nominally and post-nominally. I show that a pre-nominal NQ modifies its host nominal as a predicate modifier and a post-nominal NQ takes individuals denoted by its host nominal as its domain of quantification. In this sense, pre-nominal NQs are predicative and post-nominal NQs are quantificational. The core data are provided when a pre-nominal NQ and a post-nominal NQ co-occur with one host nominal. Based on the non-uniform account for pre-nominal NQs and post-nominal NQs (Huang and Ochi 2014), I suggest that a classifier forms a constituent with a numeral in cases of pre-nominal NQs, whereas not in cases of post-nominal NQs. The constituent of a numeral and a classifier denotes a type 〈et〉 predicate and it is combined with its host nominal via Predicate Modification in cases of pre-nominal NQs. On the other hand, the constituent of a classifier and a host nominal denotes a type 〈n, 〈et〉〉 predicate in which the property denoted by a host nominal is attributed to each atom specified by a classifier. This predicate is combined with a numeral and derive type 〈et〉 predicate in the end.
Last modified: 2017-07-27 00:48:13 JST