Semantics Research Group Meeting, April 7, 2015
[Japanese | English]
- Time:
- 3:30pm, April 7, 2015
- Place:
Keio University, Mita Campus,
North Building, Conference Room 3.
- Speaker:
- Yurie Hara (City University of Hong Kong) and Eric McCready (Aoyama Gakuin University)
- Title:
- Unexpectedness and Gricean Cooperativity: A Default Logic Approach
- Abstract:
In the framework of Conversation Analysis, Luke (1990) shows that the
meaning of Cantonese sentence-final particle /wo/ involves the
violation of expectations. In particular, /wo/ can indicate not only
the unexpectedness of the content but also that of the current
discourse move that the speaker makes. This paper takes Luke’s insight
and provides a default-logic analysis of /wo/. The notion of
unexpectedness is formally characterized by normality conditionals.
The analysis has a further implication on the Gricean Cooperative
Principle in that the use of /wo/ makes reference to the general
knowledge which includes conditions on how the discourse should
normally proceed.
Semantics Research Group
Last modified: 2015-03-23 18:11:09 JST