2006年10月13日: 金沢 誠, Parsing and Generation as Database Queries;
[日本語 | English]
- とき:
- 2006年10月13日(金曜日)4:30pm
- ところ:
- 東京大学教養学部/総合文化研究科(駒場Iキャンパス)18号館4階コラボレーションルーム2
- 講演者:
- 金沢 誠(国立情報学研究所)
- タイトル:
- Parsing and Generation as Database Queries
- 概要:
I consider the problem, known as tactical generation or surface realization, of finding a surface form from a given meaning, represented by a formula in the meaning representation language. The formalism I work with is a Montague semantics built on top of a context-free grammar. This means that the meaning representation language is that of higher-order lambda-terms and the computation of meaning involves beta-reduction. I show that, under a certain restriction, the problem of generation, like parsing, can be expressed as a query in Datalog, a simple relational database query language whose time complexity is polynomial.
Last modified: 2006-11-09 10:01:40 JST