2004年9月24日: Manfred Krifka, Bare Plurals: Kind referring, Indefinites, Both, or Neither?
[日本語 | English]
- とき:
- 2004年9月24日(金)4:30pm
- ところ:
- 東京大学教養学部/総合文化研究科(駒場Iキャンパス)10号館3階会議室
- 講演者:
- Manfred Krifka (Humboldt-University of Berlin and Center for General Linguistics, Berlin)
- タイトル:
- Bare Plurals: Kind referring, Indefinites, Both, or Neither?
- 概要:
The semantic nature of bare plurals and mass terms in English has
been a subject of controversy: Carlson (1977) argued that they are,
with few exceptions, kind referring; Wilkinson (1991) and Gerstner
& Krifka (1993) argued that they are ambiguous between a
kind-referring and an indefinite interpretation. More recently,
Chierchia (1998) has revived the kind-referring analysis. In this
talk I will show certain shortcomings with Chierchia's theory, and
how apparent problems for the ambiguity hypothesis can be solved.
Last modified: 2004-09-26 16:36:10 JST