The various parsers in this chapter are all deterministic simulations of a particular kind of non-deterministic pushdown automaton associated with context-free grammars. There are three well-known types of non-deterministic pushdown automata for CFGs that are used as bases of parsing: top-down, bottom-up, and left-corner (see here for more information). The one that's used here is the top-down variety, and the corresponding parsing method is also called "recursive descent". It is particularly natural in the context of functional programming. (Note that the term "stack-based" is often used to describe parsing based on NPDA.)
Well-known disadvantages of recursive descent parsing are its exponential time complexity and non-termination in the face of left recursion. Johnson (1995) addresses both issues in relation to implementations using functional programming.
The implementation of the recursive-descent parser for sequentially indexed grammars given in the text is incorrect. The list of expected empty categories gets passed (i) top-down from a node to its first child; (ii) left-to-right from a node to its immediate right sibling; and (iii) bottom-up from a node with no right sibling to its parent. This allows binding of an empty category (trace) by a relative pronoun anywhere to its left, whether or not the relative pronoun "c-commands" the empty category.
*P> parses "the boy that Alice smiled helped" [[.S[Masc,Sg,Thrd] [[.NP[Masc,Sg,Thrd,Nom] [the DET[],[.CN[Sg,Masc,Thrd] [boy CN[Sg,Masc,Thrd],[.COMP[] [that REL[],[.S[Thrd,Fem,Sg] [alice NP[Fem,Sg,Thrd,Nom],[.VP[Tense] [smiled VP[Tense]]]]]]]]]]],[.VP[Tense] [helped VP[Tense],# NP[]]]]]]This implementation would actually be adequate for an unrestricted version of global index grammar (Castaño 2004).
, but there is a dual solution that passes the list of "discovered" empty categories bottom-up. Discuss how one method may be more efficient than the other. Note that in both approaches, you have to change the type of the stack parser.)
*P> parses "the boy that if smiled, then Alice smiled smiled" [[.S[Masc,Sg,Thrd] [[.NP[Masc,Sg,Thrd,Nom] [the DET[],[.CN[Sg,Masc,Thrd] [boy CN[Sg,Masc,Thrd],[.COMP[] [that REL[],[.S[] [if COND[],[.S[] [# NP[Nom],[.VP[Tense] [smiled VP[Tense]]]]],[.S[Thrd,Fem,Sg] [alice NP[Fem,Sg,Thrd,Nom],[.VP[Tense] [smiled VP[Tense]]]]]]]]]]]]],[.VP[Tense] [smiled VP[Tense]]]]]]
*P> parses "if the boy helped Alice and Alice smiled, then the boy admired Alice" []
"the boy that helped Alice and Alice smiled admired Alice"
. Implement the Coordinate Structure Island Constraint, by which such sentences are ruled out.
"the boy that helped Alice and admired Dorothy smiled"
get parsed.
This is known as Across-the-Board extraction.
Last modified: 2017-04-06 19:08:12 JST